The BF gets Nationalistic |
Australia day is held each year in the midst of the Australian summer; Christmas and New Years have become fleeting memories and the nationalistic antipodeans want an excuse to enjoy the weather and celebrate what really makes their nation great! Therefore they join together around pools, on beaches and in parks and grill a variety of meats whilst wearing as few clothes as possible. The garments they do wear are generally adorned with either the Australian flag or some combination of green and gold. Beer is usually involved and the soundtrack is generally a music countdown known as “The Triple J Hottest 100”- a selection of the best songs of the previous year as chosen by the radio station JJJ. My memories of Australia days around the world are some of my most cherished.
Traditional Aussie Day food, drink and costume |
As a Non- Australian the idea of The First Fleet arriving on the shores of what is now New South Wales in 1787 isn’t a particularly important piece of historical trivia, but it isn’t for the Australians either so that’s ok! What is important to most residents is that it is a day when they can exploit the idea of a national pride, which almost borders on jingoism, as an excuse to act in a way that confirms every stereotype that the rest of the world has about them. And it’s bloody good fun. If you are lucky enough to be in Australia on an Australia day I urge you to get involved in some kind of celebration. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of freedom you will get whilst bobbing up and down in a pool at 10am with music blaring, a bottle of Pure Blonde in your hand and the smell of sausages in the air whilst the unrelenting sun beats down upon you. The locals will offer you drinks, food and conversation and you’re likely to meet a variety of other travellers who have been invited to celebrate in a similar fashion despite national background. Maybe it’s not the best thing for Australian unity (the Native Aboriginals see it as a day of mourning) but as a Brit I have never felt so involved in an event or occasion which by definition essentially excludes me. It is displays of national pride like this which make me wish that my fellow countrymen were not only capable of patriotism at times when sport is involved. Maybe some Australians are only attractive bimbos who are only interested in keeping beers cold and getting a tan, but at least they seem to be proud of it!!
sorry, my mistake, I was looking at the date they left Britain. Of course it's 1788
ReplyDeleteThe day formal possession of the country was claimed for mother England "isn’t a particularly important piece of historical trivia"? Ummm... I know what you're trying to say but you haven't said it well. As such, I think millions of Aussies may disagree with you...
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure. Talking to a lot of Australians on Aussie day, half of them don't actually know what event it is that their celebrating, just that its a day to celebrate being australian. The point I was making is that to many Australians the date itself is arbitrary- it is the thought that is important. Although i would admit that i probably haven't mingled with the most representitve cross section of the Australian community!
ReplyDelete*they're. Massive grammar fail
ReplyDeleteI understand what you mean Jo and Anonymous...however if the powers that be choose a day in mid winter to celebrate Australia Day, then i doubt nearly as many people would celebrate..or worse still if they decided to choose Jan 1 as celebration of Federation...and combine it with New Year’s ...there would be an uproar..
ReplyDeleteTruly we are not being patriotic...we are just having a good time in the sun , with food, booze and friends...no matter where we are.